We act with integrity, responsibility, and authority, reflective of the mana and rakatirataka of the manawhenua we work on behalf of.
2. Whanaukataka
We are inclusive and cooperative: with rūnaka, whānau, kaimahi stakeholders, partners and clients.
3. Manaakitaka
We work to build the capacity of ourselves and of our rūnaka, whānau, and hapū. We are supportive of our partners, clients, and stakeholders.
4. Kotahitaka
We work collaboratively to maximise our collective strengths and achieve hapū aspirations. This occurs across all of our pou; with our board, manawhenua panels, rūnaka and whānau; and with our partners, stakeholders and clients.
5. Mōhiotaka
We are responsive and communicative, and actively value and work to increase the knowledge systems within which we work.
6. Auahataka
We are innovative in our work, finding new ways to test our thinking, develop new ideas, generating new knowledge, and ways of operating.
7. Tautiakitaka
We operate with prudence and with awareness of the wider implications of our actions within financial, social, cultural, and environmental contexts.